What Does It Cost to Play?

 $12.99 Field Admission

If you have your own equipment all you need to purchase is Field Admission and paintballs.

Field admission is good for the whole day. Paintball Village is a “Field Paint” only facility. All paint used at Paintball Village must be purchased from Paintball Village. Any unused paint may be used on next visit.

Paint & Play Special: For Players with Their own Equipment

Need to rent equipment?

Rent & Play Package:

If you are interested in Special Pricing for Paintball GROUPS CLICK HERE.

If you are interested in hosting a Paintball BIRTHDAY PARTY CLICK HERE.

Rental Equipment Pricing

(prices do not include tax)

Basic Rental Package
$10.50 + tax
Mask $5.00 + tax
Ammo Pouch $5.00 + tax
Jump Suits (S-XL) $6.50 + tax
Jump Suits (2XL) $7.00 + tax
Jump Suits (3XL) $7.50 + tax

Basic Rental Package
$10.50 + tax

$5.00 + tax

Ammo Pouch
$5.00 + tax

Jump Suits (S-XL)
$6.50 + tax

Jump Suits (2XL)
$7.00 + tax

Jump Suits (3XL)
$7.50 + tax

CO2 Pricing

1-9 oz Fill $2.50
10-15 oz Fill $3.50
16-24 oz Fill $4.50

1-9 oz Fill

10-15 oz Fill

16-24 oz Fill

HPA Pricing

PBV provides free air fills when using our equipment. If you bring your own equipment the following rates apply.

One Fill $2.50
All Day Air (HPA Only) $5.00

One Fill

All Day Air (HPA Only)

Paintball Pricing

(Field Paint)

250 paintballs $15 + tax
500 paintballs $25 + tax
1000 paintballs $40 + tax
2000 paintballs (case) $70 + tax

250 paintballs
$15 + tax

500 paintballs
$25 + tax

1000 paintballs
$40 + tax

2000 paintballs
$70 + tax