It’s safe, it’s fun and IT IS A TOTAL RUSH!
If you’re looking for a totally unique outing for a team building event, bachelor party, company/department outing or just a group of friends we’ve got it for you at Paintball Village. Your group will experience the Heart-Pounding Thrills and Intense Competition of one of America’s fastest growing Extreme Sports on our Half Million Dollar Scenario Field! We’ve got everything you need to play or feel free to use your own equipment. Challenge your friends and co-workers to the Ultimate Competition!
We’re proud that we have THE BEST SAFETY RECORD in Paintball. If you’re not familiar with paintball, click here to read more about it and Paintball Village. It’s safe, it’s fun and IT IS A TOTAL RUSH!
Paintball Group Outing Packages


Players using their own equipment, not needing our Standard Rental Package, will receive an additional 200 paintballs. Please note if you use your own equipment, Air Fills are available at an additional charge. All non-field markers are CHRONOGRAPHED by our referees. Markers may NOT exceed 270 feet/second at Paintball Village. We no longer fill CO2 tanks.
This Package is available during normal Paintball Village operating hours to groups of 10 or more people.
(During non-operating hours we offer private, exclusive paintball events. Click here to learn more about the PAINTBALL EXCLUSIVE Package)
Reserve Your Event Date Today! Call 440.235.4420 x 125
$450 + tax for up to 20 Players, plus $22.50 for each additional player. Payment in full is due at the time of booking for a minimum of 20 packages. Paintball EXCLUSIVE OUTINGS are typically available during non-operating hours.
If you have less than the required 20 (private events) or less than the number that was reserved there are two options: either receive a pass for a return visit or use the remaining paintballs during your visit.
Waivers must be completed by all players before playing paintball. To save time and expedite processing of all of the players in your group, we recommend that you complete your waivers BEFORE you arrive.
If you’d like to print out waivers for your group CLICK HERE. Exclusive Events must be paid in full PRIOR to the event date.

Additional Paintballs
Paintball Village is a “field paint” only facility.
200 Paintballs -$21.99
500 Paintballs- $31.99
1000 Paintballs -$54.99
2000 Paintballs- $84.99
Save $5/Case by pre-ordering cases of paint

Equipment Rental
Equipment Rental
Rent additional/optional paintball equipment in our facility

Paintball Village
More Information
On Paintball and Paintball Village
Click here

Food Options
More Information
Light Lunch to an All You Can Eat Buffet…
Click Here
Contact Group Sales @ 440.235.4420 Ext 125 or through our Group Sales Contact Form