Swings-N-Things is committed to being a supporter of youth-oriented organizations in NE Ohio

We know that charitable donations are a part of being a good corporate citizen. Being a family owned and operated small business in Olmsted Township for the past 30 years, we’re proud that our charitable contributions compare favorably to similar and even larger sized companies.

Because our emphasis is on providing good, clean wholesome family fun to members of the NE Ohio community, Swings-N-Things receives thousands of requests for donations each year. In response to these requests, we have developed criteria to help us best serve the youth organizations in need of our assistance.

Our Philosophy on Charitable Contributions

Since Swings-N-Things receives thousands of requests every year we have developed a criteria to guide us through this process.

  • Our hearts go out to the many very deserving groups, families and individuals who are in need of assistance. Unfortunately, we cannot respond to every request we receive- we are simply too small of a company. We do not contribute to individuals for their pursuit of individual goals or for their personal tragedies.

  • We limit our responses to local (generally Cuyahoga, Medina & Lorain Counties) non-profit youth organizations ( i.e. schools, church youth groups, scouts, youth athletic organizations, etc.). All donations must be associated with one of these groups.

  • We do not donate cash! We typically donate items such as Free Rounds of Miniature Golf. Organizations who frequent Swings-N-Things receive 1st priority. Based on an organization’s history visiting Swings-N-Things, they may receive more valuable items.

  • We do not permit solicitation (leafleting, selling candy, flowers, etc.) at our park by any organization, for any purpose.

  • Your request must be made on-line with all the information requested completed in full. We will not respond to letters, faxes or phone calls. Within 2-3 weeks you will receive an email response from us.

We hope that you understand our donation philosophy and limitations.

Not all requests can be filled!  Due to the overwhelming number of Donation requests that we have been receiving Swings-N-Things will be largely scaling back our Donation program.  Local (Cuyahoga & Lorain counties) schools and youth organizations may still submit requests.  At this time other organizations will not be reviewed.

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