This is the Ultimate and EXTREME Birthday Party!
Celebrate your special day with America’s fastest growing EXTREME SPORT!
Feel the RUSH and experience the THRILL of Paintball. Unlike our standard Birthday Party at Swings-N-Things, the Paintball Party is built around the Paintball Experience. We supply everything you need to have a GREAT Paintball Party!
The PAINTBALL PARTY includes the following for each guest / participant:

ALL of this FOR ONLY $256+tax
for up to 8 guests!
Additional players are $27.99 + tax per player
(nonrefundable $150 Booking Deposit Required During Regular Paintball Hours. Payment in full due when booking outside of regular hours)
- CASE OF Premium PAINTBALLS (2000 Paintballs) add $79.99 plus tax
- Add $5 in Game Play for each guest for just $3 per person (includes Redemption/Prize Game)
- Party Pass just $6.99/person (includes 1 attraction/1 time; choose from Go Karts, Bumper Boats, or 4 Batting Cage Tokens)
- Race-N-Play $21.99/person (Unlimited Go Kart Rides, Bumper Boats, and Miniature Golf)
- Putt-N-Play $14.99/person (Unlimited Bumper Boats and Miniature Golf)
Please note that all Paintball participants MUST BE 10 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER. Waivers MUST BE SIGNED for all minors (10 -18 yrs. old) by a parent, guardian or responsible adult who has been given permission by the minor’s parent or guardian to sign on their behalf. Anyone 18 or older must also sign a waiver. For downloadable waivers CLICK HERE.
For More Information on Paintball & Paintball Village CLICK HERE.
- Birthday Party Extras may only be purchased by the parent/guardian or person hosting the party. Prices and Packages are subject to change without notice.
- On the day of your party, please register at the Paintball Pro Shop. PAINTBALL VILLAGE is located at the rear of Swings-N-Things. The Paintball Pro Shop is adjacent to the field.
- We accept Visa, Mastercard and cash. Sorry, we cannot accept personal checks, discount coupons, barter checks, etc.
- With the exception of a Birthday Cake, NO additional food or beverage may be brought into Paintball Village or Swings-N-Things. Please inform the Paintball Village Manager approximately 30 minutes prior to when you wish to eat so that we can deliver your meal to you at Paintball Village or your assigned reserved area.
- Items such as silly string, confetti, piñatas, and balloons may not be brought into Swings-N-Things.
- We require payment in full to reserve the proper amount of equipment rentals. Reservations are most easily made on Monday – Friday from 8:30 am – 5:00pm..
- Scroll to the bottom of this page for additional rules and guidelines.